Happy Place

I've got just a few moments left in this internet Cafe to give an update on Paris and our adventures. Sam and I learned the quiet of a Sunday in Paris. Everything was closed so we spent a lovely day at the park just enjoying the sun and the area near St. Eustache. It was nice to spend a day relaxing, a vacation from our vacation, as it were!

Today we go off to the Opera House, made famous by The Phantom of The Opera. I'm super excited to actually go inside and breathe in the air that inspired such a place. Later this week we get to visit the town of Vernon, the home of Monet and a museum dedicated to his art.

Our hostel worked out pretty well with the excetption of people coming after two in the morning for the past few nights. Just one more night and we will be staying near MontMatre for a few days.

Well, I've got to go!
