Perpetual Perpetual Perpetual Per..pffft!

And now, for something completely different, kids!

I've been interested in odd things before. But now I've done it and written a blog about one of my most fascinating musings. I've been doing a little bit of research; reading up about something kind of controversial. You know, law breaking.

Breaking the Law, Breakin' The Law...s...of Thermodynamics

Here's a lovely history of "Perpetual motion Machines". It's a good warm up to the ancient history of failed attempts at creating free energy for the masses.

Free, ever-replenishing energy is a noble cause. Somehow creating an engine or motor that never needed gasoline. That kind of thing could mean tons of money for the inventor. Lots of fame, notoriety...Do you think someone might try to fool people into believing in such a great thing? Oh, it woudn't be used to scam people, would it?

Oh, no doubt. It's easier to scam than come up with a real invention. But let's remove the cynical cloud around the idea of perpetual engines for just a moment, yes?

My favorite story is that of "Orffyreus". In 1712 he created and displayed a wheel using a series of weights and pulleys that could go for over fifty-four days days, but was so scared of having his invention's ideas stolen he covered the base (the working components) with leather and eventually destroyed the machine once he saw an official trying to get a look without paying for the rights. He created four more in his life, keeping it's hidden secrets away from only Karl, the Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel, who couldn't believe how simple it's design was. Even after Orffyreus' death his secret codes on rebuilding the machine have yet to be decoded but are available. He left thousands of notes with tiny scraps of data to be found for the most intrepid treasure hunter. You really must read the whole story.

Perpetual motion, Over Unity, Free Energy. Simple to grasp but hard to realize, for a good reason. It hasn't worked in our world.

Some Magnetic Motors
that have come out of the woodwork..

The ideas have failed so many times it's easy to see why scientists scoff at the idea. But I've been looking at with a very special group of people that have decided to come up with an open source method with completely open documentation. Does it work? Well, I know at the very least it's not a scam. Science is a little baffled. Does the WhipMag break the laws of physics?

Check this good stuff out:
The Whip Mag Video shows a device that not only breaks free from the initial stages of inetia, it continues to accelerate! No batteries, bo electrical input. Magic? No...

The Inventor

Anyone can take the designs and see the conundrum and it's huge possibilities. I'm very excited to see where the WhipMag goes whether it breaks any laws or some other impressive effect is going on.

And what about this guy? Thane Heins has a similar story, and he's even got two colleges, a physicist and several canadian newspapers checking for why his machine does what it does. The story nearly damaged the physicists career because he even looked in the "perpetual motion" direction.

That said, I'm still a sceptic. In my house we obey the LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS!!! Here's the other side of that coin...

It's easy to shun new ideas than question scientific theories. Galileo was banished from science for telling the world of the time that Earth was not the center of the universe.

What about the scientific process? I'm still quite the sceptic. if it happens, then won't that be great to unlock such a huge secret of the universe? If it doesn't, isn't it fun to watch?

More fun with physics breaking fellas:

History of fake (or real?) motors

As long as science actually pays attention and questions itself along the way I'm happy to believe in the slightly impossible happening.

Just don't arrest me for breaking any laws, please?
