The Cleverest Monkey

Psssst, here's a random story to test some stuff!
 Once upon a time there was a marvelous little monkey. He ate an apple and said, "why isn't this a banana?"

Tossing his fruit aside, Monkey decided to find his holy fruit; he ambled briskly to the thick juicy tree before him and ripped it from its roots before gnawing a a place for himself.He needed a boat to go away to the Grove, where all banana dreams came true.  

Grove was not an easy place to get to. It was far away in the middle of the yellow sea; it's inhabitants (called Bo-nanas) were also of the monkey eating variety, though Monkey was not unprepared. He coated his rump with a sticky-sweet jam that happened to frighten bo-nanas in a very unique way.  

As Monkey slid his new boat out to the open water, the Moon came lurking down from the sky to introduce the rules of the sea to newcomers as he did every Thursday evening

"Aha monkey, looks like a fine time for a float," whispered the moon. His old weary eyes glanced at his little husked boat and a little tear formed right above his weary cheek. "By the water I see you searching already for a way to go, even though you think you have planned things through! Alas I know a secret just for you. Who knew?" 

Moon liked to talk in clever ways. That said, Monkey was prepared for many things, even the moon's visit. He knew the waxy visitor wanted a kiss from his old mother, Sun, but they had grown apart these days. Monkey stared way up to Moon, who slowly lowered himself above the water like an old neighbor. 

"Dear Moon, would you tell me the secrets of the Yellow Sea over a bit of salty tea?" The moon reminded Monkey of an older time his grandfather had come from, a magical time. 

"Certainly, but for a small cost." The Moon smiled with a twinkle along with his star-filled eye. "Would you by chance, dance for me little monkey?"

Monkey thought for four seconds, stood and bowed gentlemanly. As he stood straight up, he revealed a little picture of the sun he had painted the morning before. 

The moon came yet closer, but since he was so large, the ocean began to arise to meet well before high tide and began to toss the little boat monkey was in, but this was his little clever plan. 

As the monkey slipped onto the lower curl of the moon, the boat was lifted high above the world, for Moon had given a special gift of traveling among the stars. The journey was going so well!

Monkey could almost taste the  bananas. 

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